Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2 New Art Journal Pages

I didn't finish any pages last week, so this week I have two. The first one was a lot of fun to do. I recently bought a set of Twinkling H2Os. This page was basically just a way for me to try them out. I originally intended this to just be a background, but I liked it a lot and decided to leave it as it was.

The next page is the result of me giving up when the page didn't turn out as planned. The background was done with gelatos. I can't really explain what I was trying to achieve, but believe me, it didn't work. The pumpkin picture was a free coloring sheet from somewhere online (sorry, it's been a few years) that I shrunk down. It was colored with gelatos and a water brush. I framed it with some paper tape. (I went crazy when I found this tape at the Dollar Tree. I bought one of each design.) The leaves and Autumn chipboard stickers are from my stash of scrapbooking supplies. I've had them for years and have only a very vague idea of where I bought them. This isn't one of my favorite pages, but I don't hate it.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Art Journal Page: Fashion

The idea for this page came from something I saw on Pinterest. I don't really like the girl I used, but I recently purged my stash of magazines and catalogs and didn't have much to choose from.

 The quote says "Oh, never mind the fashion. When one has a style of one's own, it's always 20 times better." - Margaret Oliphant.

Project Life for October: Weeks 40 - 43

Friday, November 1, 2013

Art Journal Page: Blue Hair

I have always wanted to dye my hair a non-standard color. When I was younger, I didn't dare- my mom would have killed me. After that, I wanted to be seen as a mature adult, and blue or purple hair didn't really fit in with that (or so I thought at the time). Then I felt like I was too old for such things. But now, at 37, I really don't care what anyone else thinks. It makes me happy and doesn't hurt anyone, so why not?

I only did a few inches at the ends, in case I hated it or got tired of it. I could just get a haircut and it'd be gone. But I love it and am so glad I did it!

The pictures on this page came from the instructions for the hair dye. (The rest of the instructions were used on the bottom layer under the paint.) There's also a picture of me. It's a little dark and hard to see the blue, but I know it's there!