Happy New Year! I'm a little late posting this as it's a couple hours past midnight, but here is my last art journal page of 2013:
It might not look like much, but what's not visible is the first layer, which is a hand-written list of the 109 books I read this year. I originally wanted it to be visible in the background, but it didn't look quite right. So I added some spray ink, which looked a bit odd. I sort of gave up on being able to see the list of books and added gesso and let it blend with the spray ink. I added the quote and outlined with black gelato. It looked really bare, so I added the washi tape. It still looks maybe not quite done to me, but I'm calling it finished.
Now that the year is done, I'm going to be binding all these loose pages into one journal. For Christmas, I bought myself a Cinch Binding System. I was a bit hesitant to buy it, but it is so easy to use and I love it! I'm just hoping it won't have any trouble with the painted and collaged journal pages. But hey- the holes it punches will make for some colorful confetti!