Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Ornaments Everyday! Day One

I do something creative every day, and for December, I plan to make Christmas ornaments (or other decorations) each day. It's kind of an odd choice as we don't have a tree up and won't unless I make one. Most everything will be made of paper, and who knows how well they'll last in storage. But, it gives me something to do. I intend to try to only use supplies I already have on hand, but we'll see how that goes. I'll probably end up using this as an excuse to buy things.
Today, I've made this paper ornament by loosely following this tutorial. The main differences are that I alternated solid red and green paper instead of using patterned paper, and the paper I used was 8 1/2 x 11, so my strips were 11 inches instead of 12. It's still a good sized ornament. The stamp I used for the center is one by Mary Engelbreit that I have had for a long time- more than ten years, now that I think about it. I have quite a few stamps that I've never used, but I've used this one over and over because I just really like it.
I think the ornament turned out really well. I do think it will be a bit difficult to store- it's more than five inches across, so I'm not sure what I'll do with it. I'm worried the loops will get crushed. But it was very quick to make. In fact the part that took the longest was coloring the stamped image.

I used glitter and metallic gel pens on various parts of the image, but it doesn't show up very well in the picture.

This might be a good ornament to pick if you wanted to make a lot of them quickly. And if you had several people working on it, it would be easy to have an assembly line of sorts.

So, here's hoping I'll actually make an ornament everyday, at least 'til Christmas. I have ideas for the next few days, so I need to start brain storming for the rest of the month.

Here's a slightly better picture

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